

by | May 2, 2019 | Transformation

show proper respect for all men (treat them honourably)’   1 Peter 2:17

We thank You for the call on the United Kingdom to display Your righteousness and justice. We thank You for the sacrifices of those who have pioneered for Your Kingdom to be established regardless of the consequences. We declare, this is a time for a reawakening of Kingdom values within our churches, communities and justice systems.

We specifically declare according to Your word, ‘in Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew or non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal.’  We decree in this nation Your people will model and release acceptance and respect of all people, men and women will take their God given places unhindered by past limitations, walking in wisdom and grace, that every gift and anointing within them will be released.

We call every people group within our towns and cities into agreement with Your word that “the stranger living among you must be treated as one of your native born” and we speak Godly wisdom into Government agencies, local and national, community groups and religious organisations seeking to bring respect.

We decree and declare in this nation, every wall of division will be removed, that according to Your word, barriers of ethnicity, religion and culture will fall,  that communities will be both integrated and safe, and we specifically declare in this nation all men, Jew and non-Jew will be equally accepted and respected. We speak Kingdom justice to all those oppressed by current culture.

Now Lord, we continue to declare the positions of influence and gateways of our society will be filled with those who see and speak according to Your plans and purposes and we declare following the elections taking place today, the voice of Your wisdom will be heard in increasing measure above and beyond man’s wisdom, in Jesus Name.


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