‘Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it’ Proverbs 22:6
Lord, You desire that children should be taught according to Your word and Your principles. In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare the education system in this nation will be fit for Kingdom purpose, aligned and shaped by the foundations of Your truth.
Your word is the cornerstone of education, so as Light shines in the darkness, we declare its goodness, truth and relevance will be recognised and desired, overwhelming every political, social and enemy strategy to remove it. We declare schools and colleges will teach, train & equip children and young people that the ability, gift and call You have put within them will be drawn out and released, irrespective of social or ethnic background. Psalm 139:13-16; John 1:5
Lord, we cry out that in this day, those You have called to change and touch lives through this profession will arise, strong in their gift & call, empowered by Your Spirit. We speak strength, wisdom and creativity to those already involved.
We decree as Your Spirit is released in great measure in this land, the desire for the fullness of truth will overwhelm every action to engineer and shape society according to the plans of man.
We speak Your light into every dark place, and we decree, in this nation, hidden censorship, manipulating and withholding of information through the pressure of minority groups, in or through media, through the control of research, the collection and use of data and statistics, and the silencing through offence, will be replaced by an open and honest society.
We decree shift and change, that in this turn around season, the power of the gospel and the revelation of Jesus Christ, will again become the building blocks upon which society leans.
We decree, this nation will live by the Truth and in the light of that truth, in the Name of Jesus.
We declare in this season of shift within Parliament, those and only those appointed by You for this day, will lead this nation, those who will “accomplish all You please.” We declare they will sound a distinct call, demonstrating vision, skill, Godly wisdom and understanding, that others will follow.