Transformation – Children

Transformation – Children

by | Sep 21, 2018 | Transformation

children are a heritage from the Lord; offspring a reward from Him”  Psalm 127: 3

We declare children are a gift from You, so in the Name of Jesus, we declare in this nation, children will be safe and secure, loved, enjoyed, and protected, that everything You have put within them, of fun, of laughter, of imagination and gift will be released and encouraged. We declare irrespective of family background and experience, they will grow in favour with God and man, and we call every law of this land into alignment with Your word and Your heart.

We thank You Lord, for those who have served faithfully within our Sunday Schools, children’s churches and organisations over the years, and now we declare this is a new day, and we declare this is the time for a new move of Your Spirit amongst the children of our land. In the Name of Jesus, we call forth those carrying fresh revelation and creative ideas, able to teach Your children with relevance, life and depth. We thank You for the new wineskins You are releasing regarding children’s ministry, and we speak shift and change into any curriculum, plan or methodology which is of the old season and we decree, the children’s ministries of this land will take hold of the challenge and opportunity of the day. We declare Lord, Your people will be willing volunteers in this day of Your power.

We decree and declare children and teens will grasp the power of Your love, Your gospel, and Your purpose within their lives, rising spiritually mature beyond their years, equipped and empowered in heart, mind and Spirit to reach their world.


Dates for this month!

  • September 29th Coventry   “Call the Nation to Prayer: As One”. This is a strategic event for the nation,  so please look at the website:
  • September 29th Witney (evening) Please see:


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