Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 10

Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 10

by | Dec 9, 2018 | Government


“Let the Heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad: and let them say among the nations, -the Lord reigns – . Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16: 34
Lord, as many turn to the place of prayer today, we declare Your people will praise You and honour You as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, that the sound of worship will cover this nation, transforming the atmosphere, raising faith and over whelming every fear.
We declare You are good, Your mercies endure forever, You are the God of miracles and all things are possible through You.
We thank You for the rise of prayer across this nation, for every response to the call of Your Spirit at this time, and we speak align, align, align with what the Spirit is doing in this day. We declare every prayer, both of individuals and of groups across this land will release the purposes and the words of Heaven and a new level of “oneness” come upon Your people.
Now we decree and declare as Your people worship and pray, atmospheres will shift, clarity come and a Highway of Holiness arise, building a path, creating a way, that every God given purpose for this nation will be fulfilled.
We decree and declare the outworking of every vote, every negotiation and every change of policy at this time, will cause this nation to move according to Your perfect will and timing. We continue to declare the United Kingdom will be shaped and connected for the future according to Heaven’s design.


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