Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 4

Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 4

by | Dec 3, 2018 | Government


According to God’s word, “Righteousness exalts a nation,” so we declare righteousness and integrity will be required and honoured in all those who desire to lead this nation, that in this strategic time, our Parliament will demonstrate the Kingdom values of honour, righteousness and integrity.

Now, even as God’s word states, “the favour that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favour rests, He anoints one for greatness and brings another to his knees.” Psalm 75:7 Passion Bible

We declare the power of God appointed leadership to bring about Kingdom purpose. We declare this nation will be led throughout this Brexit season, by those appointed by Him for this task, those carrying God given vision, supported and surrounded by the prayers of His people and aided by the Hosts of Heaven.

As the significance, depth and weight of the Parliamentary Vote on the current proposed EU Withdrawal Bill becomes evident, we declare over all MPs, God given wisdom and understanding.

We declare His Voice is powerful and full of majesty, and we decree and declare His Voice will emerge, sounding a distinct call, silencing every other agenda, that in this next season, both Houses of Parliament, will be united behind Kingdom purpose and design.

We decree and declare this nation will again stand as a display of God’s righteousness upon the earth.


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