Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation

Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation

by | Nov 30, 2018 | Government

Day 1: Preparing The Way    30th November 2018

Our Heavenly Father, may the glory of Your Name be the centre on which our life turns. May Your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us, Manifest your Kingdom on earth,”  Luke 11:2 Passion Translation

We speak  to this nation, and we declare, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” We decree Your people in this nation will come into agreement with Your word, “to seek first the Kingdom of God” both in prayer and in lifestyle. We declare Your people will arise as kings and priests and the worshipping warriors will arise; that we will come before the courts and throne of Heaven to intercede for this land, that we will receive strategies to cut through and we will take hold of Your Rhema word, which is the sword of the Spirit, to decree and declare Your purposes.

We declare Your people in this nation will be teachable in heart, quick to learn, and ruthless with regard to sin, that Your Ecclesia will arise in this land, carrying Your Glory, ruling and reigning as You desire. We declare the Headship of Jesus will be established over His people, that we will represent a new level of authenticity in the natural realm and exercise a new level of authority in the spiritual realm. Proverbs 16:32

You are establishing Your Kingdom to overwhelm and overcome every opposing Kingdom, You are setting things in order, setting up Your governmental rule on the earth as it is in Heaven.

In Jesus Name we decree and declare, in this nation, Natural Government and Sovereignty, judicial and legislative will come into God given order, and will acknowledge Jesus as the true judge, lawgiver and King.



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