
Yours O Lord is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty, for all  that is in the heavens and on the earth is Yours O Lord, Yours is the Kingdom and You are exalted as head over all’ ’. 1 Chronicles 29: 11

According to God’s word, we declare Europe, the Ukraine and Russia belong to Him. We thank Him for His love for the people of these nations, for His desire the people will know Him as their Saviour and Lord, and that peace will dwell upon the earth.

Even as the Ukraine has turned to prayer, we take hold of His promise in Leviticus 26:6, that if we walk in obedience,  ‘He will grant peace in the land.’ So  Lord, in the Name of Jesus, according to Your word, we cry out for Your peace to rest upon that nation, that the people will not dwell in fear.  We speak peace into leadership, we speak peace into the church, and we speak peace into the nation, and declare God’s order will rule and reign over every other order, in the Name of Jesus.

According to  Isaiah 28:17 ‘You will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumbline; hail will sweep away their  refuge, the lie, and water overwhelm their hiding place.’  We declare  the justice, the righteousness and the purpose  of the Kingdom of God, over every strategy of the enemy to stir up conflict.

Lord, You are aligning nations with Your Heart and Your Purposes.  Your Spirit is moving over the earth, and You are searching the hearts of leaders, You are looking at motivations and You are looking at actions.  Lord, we ask over everyone involved in choices and decisions regarding a potential war in the Ukraine – that  Lord, Your Spirit will rest upon them, to bring repentance where there needs to be repentance, and wisdom where there needs to be wisdom. We are asking  that at this time,  You will be the Mighty God we read about in the scriptures – Mighty is Your Name.

Mighty are You Lord – and we ask that You will come and deal with the hearts of evil in this hour.

We declare Isaiah 2:17, 18  ‘ the arrogance of man will be brought low and human pride humbled; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day, and the idols totally disappear.’

The PFTN Team


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