United Kingdom

United Kingdom

by | Feb 4, 2021 | Government

“how good and pleasant it is for us to live together in unity! It’s like precious ointment poured on the head, running down and consecrating the whole body. …releasing the blessings of God…” Psalm 133We come into agreement with God’s word in Psalm 2:7 ‘Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance’. In this day of the clash of Empires, we declare the power of the Kingdom of God to overcome every other kingdom. We declare this is the time for a turning, that according to 2 Corinthians 10:5, every high thing which exalts itself against the knowledge of God will be brought down; and every demonic presence shift or bow to the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory – who rules over the nations in love.  We decree the power of that Kingdom purpose will overwhelm any plan of the enemy to damage, disrupt or destroy the United Kingdom. In Jesus Name, we continue to decree any change will only be in agreement with the blueprint of Heaven.

We declare God’s desire for a unity between the four nations of heart, soul and spirit will overwhelm the political union fractured by old grievances and long held hurts and distrust. We repent where one nation has dominated and made others subservient and dependent. We thank You Lord, that a truly United Kingdom achieved through the outpouring of Your Spirit upon the nations will enable the deep wounds and hostility of the past to be healed. We declare the Church across these islands will unite forging bonds of loving kindness that will open the way for forgiveness, healing and reconciliation.

We call the Church to step into her destiny as the uniting force and we declare the strength of that unity in the Spirit realm will lead to a new desire for unity in the natural realm – re-setting and shaping the social, political and economic union, according to that Heavenly blueprint.

Now Lord, we decree and declare even as this is the time for Revival to be released, the words, thoughts and prayers of the leaders within the Body of Christ across these lands will align with God’s Kingdom will and plans. In the Name of Jesus, we declare Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England will function and govern in unity and strength according to Your mandate, laws and statutes. We agree for God’s protection, His shield and glory to rest upon the United Kingdom at this time.

The PFTN Team


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