
The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said…” Genesis 1:2

We thank You for every promise of revival and of the outpouring of Your Spirit that You have given to this Nation and of the call to be a blessing to the nations.

Lord, we declare Your Spirit is brooding over our land and we thank You for every purpose, ministry and strategy of Your Kingdom You are bringing to birth, for every well of Revival You desire to open and for the shifts in Government You desire to release.

In this Christmas period, we declare Your people will continue to enter Your Presence and to stand upon their watch. We decree and declare even as You spoke and there was light, so Your people will be so connected to Your heart and Your words, every purpose of heaven You desire for this season will be released into our land.

We declare the Name of Jesus will be exalted, the sovereign purpose for the UK fulfilled and the Kingdom of God in all its variety and fullness increasingly established.

In the Name of Jesus, we decree in this season, this nation will step into God given identity and we declare every vote, every negotiation, every committee and every informal discussion concerning Brexit and the future of this land will align with Kingdom purposes.

Now, as Parliament moves towards Christmas recess, we thank You for all those appointed by You, who have served the nation during this time, we speak rest and refreshment to them, especially to Theresa May.


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