Hi everyone and thank you again for continuing to pray. We live in an extraordinary time and God is raising the level of all kinds of prayer across our nation. We continue to praise God for answers to prayer, whilst recognising the challenges that exist.
One of the most obvious answers to prayer we have seen was the cessation of the flu epidemic early in February, which was at the time expected to increase rapidly. We have also seen many answered prayers over the bigger issues facing Government. If you have any specific testimonies of your own, we would love to hear them.
Our mailing list is increasing, and we now also have a small but growing presence on Facebook. Thank you to those who have written in recently to ask if you can use the declarations in your church or network. These have always been intended as a resource for the Body of Christ, and whilst we would ask that you credit PFTN when appropriate, the only restriction is over publication for profit.
Over the last year we have had a regular online prayer meeting.
If you would like to participate in the future, during the week beginning May 14th we will be praying everyday in the run up to the Royal Wedding. The focus will be on the Monarchy and all the issues around the wedding. If you would like to participate please do let us know and we will send you the information on how to join in. Can we encourage you to have a try if this is new to you.
This month Suzanne Ferrett will be speaking at the Lenchwood Christian Centre, near Evesham, on the 21stApril. For more details email us on info@pftn.co.uk