January 2019

January 2019

by | Jan 24, 2019


I thought with all the confusion and the noise of the challenges in our nation right now, It would be good for me to explain why I believe this is a season of huge opportunity for the Body of Christ.  Let me take a moment to explain why.

I am aware that even with the promises of God that we stand on the brink of huge revival, many are still struggling.


My whole journey with praying and speaking into government, began with a number of revelations God gave me around 2015 and the beginning of 2016, when I moved with my husband to Windsor in Berkshire, not long before the 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta.  At that time, with several other ministers, we called a Convocation to celebrate this document, which had never been overtly successful, yet had shaped our nation and the nations for 800 years.

During that time, God showed me how the roots of our nation, Government, justice system, democracy, institutions and way of life are based through the Magna Carta on Christian principles and foundations. The Magna Carta itself was not totally original, but drew on the Law Code of King Alfred, a Christian who is often called the first King of England, although that title should really go to his grandson.
At that time, as we looked backwards to celebrate the past, I felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit to look towards the future, and we released a decree about the rising up of a governmental army, who would through their prayers govern in the spiritual realm above natural government. At that time, I felt God said, what we “have seen in the past of Godliness in this nation is only a shadow of what is possible in the future as His people rise up and take their place

Around that time, I also felt there would be a void in government and that would be the time when the Ecclesia would arise!  (In my book Declarations to Change a Nation – Published 2016)

About a month later, in July 2015 God spoke to me clearly in the words of a poem:

It’s the day of clash of Empires,
It’s the Day of the Clash of Sounds,
It’s the Day of the Clash of Spirits
as they seek to take the ground,
The no-man’s land of England will become a Battleground,
The forces are preparing, The swords are being ground,
I’m calling to my church now to listen to the sound.

This speaks of a spiritual battle in the nation, which is affecting many areas of society, and right now is sitting very squarely on our Government.

It is very clear from the gospels, that Jesus was really concerned that the “yeast of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians” did not infect His church. Those three groups, the religious, the wealthy and the political, have historically held the power in many nations, and the key word is power – which is so often, the DNA of the world systems.

What is God doing?

I believe God is shaking nations, because it is the beginning of a new era.  When things are stable, change is difficult, but great shaking has the capacity to bring great change, therefore as everything moves, there is room for the establishment of something new – which right now, for simplicity, I will call the Government of the Kingdom of God.

Resounding above all the noise is the Kingdom call. A day for the Kingdom to come in all its glory and fullness, embracing the call for salvation, but also bringing righteousness, mercy, truth and justice to the earth. The DNA of God’s Kingdom is very different from the worlds systems and kingdoms, and yes, it is a Spiritual Kingdom, but it will touch and affect every part of society.

Jesus gave the coming of the Kingdom huge priority. Pray, “Kingdom Come” and “Seek first the Kingdom of God.”

The danger is that as everything shifts and moves, and changes take place, voids open up, and there is confusion and fear. But if God’s people will see from His perspective and stand in the assurance of His covenant and His blessings, we are those who have the potential to fill those voids with everything from love and hope, to the righteousness and justice of the Kingdom. Otherwise, something else will fill those spaces.

I believe what we are seeing in the shaking around Brexit, is part of the shift God is seeking to bring. The roots of Europe are different from ours. Their spiritual heritage is different, more based on the Roman model and influenced by Enlightenment thinking, and they have a different view of democracy.

The nations which hold the same values as ours, from the freedom of choice and the value of life, to the value of the individual, are those whose heritage roots back to the UK and to our political system.

What is unique about our democratic system

It is because of the early roots through the Magna Carta and back to King Alfred 200 years before it, that our democracy is founded on the truth that there is a Higher Authority – God the Judge, the Lawgiver and the King. It means there are absolute truths which underpin everything else.

This is the foundation which has made us the nation envied around the world; the freedoms we have enjoyed, the expectation of truth and honesty, the value put upon life and the freedom of religious belief and more. The nations which were part of, or influenced by the British Empire, for all its faults, can still be identified by a similar, if eroding value system and interestingly, are also the only nations which carry all these values.

Other democracies are different.  I remember being taught at school that Democracy of itself carries the seeds of its own destruction. Without the understanding of that Higher Authority, Parliament is at the whim of the current flavour and belief of the people.

I have had people say to me that democracy is not Biblical, God wants a theocracy. I agree, however, a theocracy still needs a system to deliver God’s government. If you look at the book of Genesis, Israel went into Egypt as a family, they came out as a nation, but a nation with no laws, and no understanding other than their experience as slaves in Egypt.

God took Israel aside, He gave them a leader and through that leader He gave them laws, instructions and principles, but He told them to choose for themselves those who would be the Judges of those laws -those who would interpret and apply that law. For the United Kingdom there is a linking of some of those concepts; the coming of the Kingdom –  righteousness, justice and mercy –  in our nation is  linked to the battle for our democracy and the Christian heritage contained within it, but I believe the primary goal, is the increase of His Kingdom government in our land. (Peace and goodwill to the people)

A Question

How do we view our present situation, if the nation and parliament no longer recognise or submit to a Higher Authority?

I stand in amazement of what God is doing at this time. Coinciding with Him shaking our nation, He is shaking the church, and that means you and I are being shaken. We stand at the end of 500 years of the reformation and restoration of the church, the Body of Christ, during which He has been restoring New Testament truths and values to His people. Even in the past few years, we have seen the Father’s heart message, the call for the church to go beyond its walls, the inner healing movement, restoration of the five-fold ministries to name a few, and recently the understanding of the word – Ekklesia.

What is God doing now?

God is raising a people who know their identity, who know they stand positioned in blessing despite the situations around them, who know God is with them, that they are both kings and priests, and who also recognise and carry His heart for the people around them, crying out for a revival which will transform lives and situations.

And, there is fresh revelation into the prayer movement to know how to legislate in alignment with heaven, through declaration and decree. In this way, through the power of His people praying according to His will, God takes His place as the true lawgiver in our land.
A Parliament of Christian MP’s will never replace the authority of God’s Ekklesia.

The reason it’s been such a confusing season is that the changes God has been bringing to the nation, the Church and His people are all coinciding.  Why? I believe, it is so that we can go out and be all He has called us to be, we can fulfil the unique call on the inside of us – filling those voids of hope and need all around us, but also through prayer and declaration, aligning our government with His will and purpose for this time – turning the nation back to Him and discovering a new national identity.

One thing about our nation is obvious, we are called to lead and influence others. As we fight for our land, we are really fighting for the nations.

An amazing season of opportunity for the Kingdom of God.

Suzanne Ferrett
January 2019
