In this day of enormous challenge caused by the COVID-19 virus, we would like to invite you to be part of a 24/7 prayer cover for the nation we are seeking to put in place within the next couple of days.
Many individuals and groups are praying we know, but we felt it would be good to know that the nation is covered, initially for the next three weeks until Passover. Because of the numbers we expect to want to be involved, at this stage we are only inviting Prayer Houses, Prayer groups and churches to be involved who have the capacity to live stream. We will then publish the link, so that anyone can join in, at any point, by going to the link.
I remember once reading a story from the first world war, when in one village, they prayed every morning for the men who had gone to the front. That village lost no-one during the conflict – that is the power of prayer.
Please respond quickly if you would like to be involved, letting us know the name of your group; the times you will be covering and then the live stream link. We will then be able to facilitate a beginning very quickly and add into the gaps in a couple of days.
Suzanne Ferrett.