
Lord we declare ”You are the judge, the lawgiver and the King” Isaiah 33:22

As Parliament reconvenes this week, we thank You for those You have positioned for this time, irrespective of party allegiance. We speak Your strength, Your wisdom and Your mantle of authority upon them, that Your voice will be heard, clearly sounding above and beyond every other voice.

We thank You for the ministers, politicians, and civil servants willing to serve the nation, and we call them into alignment with Your heart and with Your plans. As the Repeal Bill comes onto the agenda and the significance, depth and scope of the task becomes evident, we declare over all MP’s, God given wisdom and understanding of the material and legislation before them.

We declare through this Bill, Parliament – this gateway to our nation, our judicial system, our economy and trade, and all matters of society will come into God given order.

We decree the increase of the Kingdom of God over all legislation, in the Name of Jesus.

This declaration has been taken from our new book, “Declarations over Brexit” which is available now from our website. It contains Brexit related Declarations covering topics from understanding for our MP’s to the Repeal Bill and ongoing legislation, the Brexit Bill etc. They are non-political and Kingdom based.

 I hope you find them useful.


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