
“the lines have fallen to me in pleasant place; Yes, I have a good inheritance”  Psalms 16:6

Lord, even as You are preparing the way for Your Kingdom to come in great measure in our land, we thank You for the power of forgiveness, that Your “mercy triumphs over judgment” and that You are teaching Your people to live out of the power of Your grace in our lives.

We thank You for Your perfect timing and in this Reformation season, as Your people pray across this land, we decree and declare mountains will move, miraculous turn arounds take place and the church arise in all her glory. We speak the release of the keys of revelation knowledge, of worship, of prayer, of repentance and of obedience to your Spirit, over every gathering taking place.

Lord we declare, we desire to leave a good inheritance to the next generation, so we appeal to You on behalf of our land, and we cry out for a new season of alignment of culture and of law with Your principles, Your values and Your word.

Over Brexit: We decree over every negotiation and every negotiator, Your desire that the people of Europe are blessed will overwhelm every spirit of resentment, revenge or fear, that these negotiations will be marked out by the Kingdom values of forgiveness and reconciliation, paving the way for Your kingdom to come.

Now, as Your Ecclesia, we speak to every blockage within the Brexit negotiations and we speak a shift in the Name of Jesus,


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