Isaiah 9:6 “the government will be upon His shoulder……of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”
We decree and declare, in this Brexit season, an increase of Kingdom purpose (wellbeing, health, safety and prosperity) and Kingdom values within all government departments and political parties. We acknowledge “Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts than our thoughts,” so in Jesus name we release Your ways and Your thoughts to every MP, every civil servant and every Government advisor. We decree and declare our government will align with Your Kingdom purpose and will at this time. Isaiah 55:8
According to Your word in Proverbs 22:29 (Passion Translation) “if you are uniquely gifted in Your work, you will rise and be promoted” we decree select committees, ministerial and civil service posts, will be filled at all times by those skilled, gifted and on whom Your favour rests. As the significance, depth and scope of the task becomes evident, we declare over all MPs, God given wisdom and understanding of the material and legislation before them.
Now, we come into agreement with Your word in Colossians 4:17, You desire that men “complete the ministry they have received in the Lord.” We declare over the Prime Minister, ministers, civil servants and advisors supernatural grace, strength and favour to complete every purpose, plan, task, and time of service given by You, in the Name of Jesus.