Business, Industry and Manufacturing

Business, Industry and Manufacturing

by | Oct 1, 2020 | Miscellaneous

We declare over the United Kingdom, ‘The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness, His wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times’ Isaiah 33:5

According to Exodus 35:31, Bezalel was filled, ‘with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and skill, with intelligence and understanding…’  We speak into our nation and we call forth vision, skill, and creative thinking in Jesus Name, and we declare business and industry will flourish, manufacturing be retained, and jobs protected. Even as God gave revelatory wisdom to Joseph, we speak the release of His strategic economic planning across our land to Government, to the CEO’s, to the Managing Directors and to the Banking Sector, and we decree the economy of this nation will be resilient through this tumultuous season. We decree and declare the ability to both create and steward wealth wisely will rest upon this nation, building and equipping a work force in skill and in mindset. Deuteronomy 8:18; Isaiah 58:7

Lord, even as You know the end from the beginning, in the Name of Jesus, we speak Your wisdom to all those involved with decisions concerning the future of the Aircraft Industry; the Events Industry, the Hospitality Industry and over Car Manufacturing and all other industries impacted  either by  COVID or Brexit, and we decree alignment with Your perfect wisdom and plans.

We declare across this land the revelation of Jesus will increase, and the truth that in His salvation, in His wisdom and in His understanding we are secure, will fill atmospheres and touch lives, restoring peace and raising faith. We decree and declare His people across this land will step into the fullness of who He has made them to be, that the ecclesia will arise and those called to bring transformation will take their places in every sphere of this land.

In Jesus Name, we take hold of God’s Word in Romans 8:28 and we decree over our nation, as His people increasingly seek His face and discover their purpose, this nation will stand strong and secure, displaying Godly governance and merciful, creative and effective leadership.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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