National Leaders

National Leaders

by | Oct 5, 2020 | Miscellaneous

As the window of time for the Brexit Negotiations to be completed closes and America heads towards another Presidential election – we pray for the leadership of both these nations.

the favour that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favour rests. He anoints one for greatness and brings another to his knees.” Psalm 75:7 TPT.

We decree in these significant days, both the United Kingdom and the United States of America will be led at all times by the men or women of God’s choosing, that every seat of authority within these nations will be filled by the person appointed by Him for the task – those who will carry, impart and implement God given vision. We agree as we pray, both nations will be positioned in every way for God’s perfect plan and destiny.

Now Lord, as you tell us to pray for our leaders, we lift Boris Johnson to You and we speak divine health and strength into the core of his being. Lord, we thank You for the sense of destiny You have written within him, and we ask that Your Spirit will stir the dreams, the purpose and the courage.  We ask Lord that You will give him supernatural rest – that as he copes with both the pressures of his position and those of having a young family, he will have the stature, resilience and wisdom for this hour. 1 Timothy 2:2

As we pray for our own Prime Minister, we  pray also for President Trump and we speak to all that You have invested in him and we call forth the gifting and anointing to lead the nation with Your favour upon him, that You will draw him into Your Presence, and that he will ‘receive mercy and grace to help him in his time of need’ Hebrews 4: 16. We declare his Presidency, whether long or short, will be marked with Godly decisions that establish the Kingdom of God in America and in this world. We speak health to Him in the Name of Jesus.

Now, we declare the authority of God and the Lordship of Jesus over the coronavirus and we decree containment in the Name of Jesus. We declare divine  wisdom and insight will rest upon our governments to make Godly decisions that will provide a clear strategy to deal with the challenges that face the nations at this ti

Suzanne Ferrett


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