
a longing fulfilled is a tree of life”

Proverbs 13:12

Lord, we decree at this breakthrough time, Your people will step into a fresh season of life as the hopes, desires and Kingdom dreams You have put within them are discovered and fulfilled.  We declare fresh joy and fruitfulness will both break out and become established in their lives. We speak over them that doors will open, connections be made and new paths revealed.

We declare in the United Kingdom, men and women will realise they have been created with purpose and destiny written inside them. We decree transformation will come to families, schools and communities as they discover, recognise and release God given purpose.  Ps 139:16; Ephesians 2:10

We speak to all those struggling with depression, addictions or suicidal thoughts at this time and we call forth the dreams and purpose You have for them. We decree and declare a shift from hopelessness to hope, will spread across our nation, in the Name of Jesus.


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