
“Our Heavenly Father, may the glory of your name be the centre on which our life turns.  May your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us.  Manifest your Kingdom on earth”

Luke 11:2 The Passion translation.

We declare over this nation, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  We decree Your people in this nation will come into agreement with your word, “to seek first the Kingdom of God” both in prayer and in lifestyle.

Lord, at this crucial, strategic and appointed time in the life of the United Kingdom we turn to you again and say, ‘teach us to pray.’

We thank You for every fresh revelation You are releasing concerning prayer and for the diversity of ways in which individuals pray, and we decree a fresh desire to hear your heartbeat and perceive the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding, leading, and instructing will come upon Your people. We call them into Your Presence, to understand Your ways, that the power of prayer will be exercised and increased across this land spearheading a move of Your Spirit which will transform individuals, families, churches, communities and every sphere within our nation.

We declare Your people will arise as kings and priests, and that worshipping warriors will arise; that we will come before the courts and throne of heaven to intercede for this land, that we will receive strategies to cut through and that we will take hold of Your rhema word, which is the sword of the spirit, to decree and declare Your purposes.

You are establishing Your Kingdom to overwhelm and overcome every opposing kingdom, You are setting things in order, setting up Your governmental rule on the earth as it is in heaven, So, in the Name of Jesus:

We declare again “You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords,” (1 Timothy 6:15) and we speak over the scope of the Bill to trigger Article 50, including every clause and sub-clause, will be legislated in accordance with Heaven, and we decree any aspect of the Bill or any attempted amendments that would harm Your plans for the UK will be turned around for good. Genesis 50:20.

We call every thought, word and action of the members of the House of Lords regarding the Article 50 Bill, into alignment with Your thoughts and Your ways. Proverbs 16:3

We acknowledge You are the Sovereign God, You rule over the nations, and You have a time for everything under Heaven. We decree and declare the passage of this Bill through the House of Lords will be according to Your appointed time, unhindered by the plans of man or of the enemy. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


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