“Do not compare yourself to the rich, surrender your selfish ambition and evaluate them properly”
Proverbs 23: 4
“Laying your life down in tender surrender before the Lord will bring life, prosperity, and honour as your reward” Proverbs 22:4 Passion Translation
Lord we praise you for every new thing which You are doing and in this season of the impossible becoming possible, we decree and declare in the United Kingdom the rising generations will be motivated by passion and purpose to see right and Godly transformation, that they will move with Kingdom goals, releasing a counter-culture of thankfulness, service and perseverance.
We speak wisdom to those managing budgets, that training programmes will be funded and attended, that in this nation from teachers to medical personnel, from engineers to entrepreneurs, men and women of all ages will be equipped and prepared to fill the needs within communities.
We call Your church to recognise the opportunity of the time, that they will pioneer as places of equipping and training with the uniqueness of the deep Kingdom truths contained within Your word.