Church 2

Church 2

by | Jun 29, 2020 | Church

Over the Church – we declare:

  • Churches, gatherings and individuals are aligning with God’s Kingdom purposes of bringing both salvation and healing to lives, and transformation into our nation. 
  • The reformers are taking their places in every arena of this land.
  • The law of this land will affirm and release the God given commission to His people, to preach the gospel, heal the sick, set the captives free and disciple Nations.

We stand as the Ecclesia in this land and we declare a fresh building anointing is being released upon God’s people for every sphere of society. We speak His anointing upon churches, that new wineskins will emerge, equipping and releasing His people, and we agree those appointed by Him to lead in this season, men and women, will be positioned, irrespective of age or ethnicity, that salvations, healings and miracles will flow across our land.

We agree the leaders God has prepared and anointed are being positioned and connected for His Voice to be heard, recognised and active within every place of influence and gateway of society.

In  the Name of Jesus, we declare a new generation of visionaries is arising, new Kingdom partnerships, teams and alliances are being formed, releasing  a multiplication of every Kingdom project within our communities, towns and cities.

We declare according to the Word of God in 2 Corinthians 10:5, ‘every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God will be brought down and that the Name of Jesus will again be exalted in this land.’ (Psalm 34:3)

Suzanne Ferrett.


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