Declarations to Shape a Nation. Day 4

Declarations to Shape a Nation. Day 4

by | Jul 2, 2020 | Miscellaneous

Government 2

 As Lockdown eases and a new normality emerges, we decree a spirit of peace (prosperity, safety and well-being) will rest upon the cities, towns and streets of this nation. We continue to speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, prosperity against all lack in matters concerning finance and the economy, that in these days of shaking, many will turn to Jesus.

Lord we thank You for the depth of change You are working amongst Your people and we thank You for the possibilities, the potential and the opportunities of the new season. In these days of shaking,  we decree – this is the time for shift and change, that the depths of Godly inheritance within our Parliament, within our laws and justice systems will be recognised, reformed and re-affirmed.

As the Ecclesia in this nation, we speak over Parliament, that the laws of this land will come into alignment with His Laws & His Statutes, and the fullness of the counsel of His Word. In the Name of Jesus, we decree a turning of every ungodly precedent set, that this nation will be positioned for blessing in the days ahead.

  • We agree all matters pertaining to the law and administration of our land, will align and enforce Kingdom values, including the principle of freedom of choice, freedom of conscience and the sanctity of human life.
  • Under God’s law, our democracy, the government of the people, for the people, by the people, will release peace, health, welfare, security and prosperity for all social, ethnic, cultural, religious and regional groups within society.
  • Every Commission, Council, Charter, Bill, Declaration, Treaty and Law relating to the freedoms and rights of individuals will recognise and submit to the Higher Authority of the King of Kings and the Ancient of Days.

We cry out for encounters with Jesus through the political circles in this land, that they will recognise their humanity and acknowledge His sovereignty, in Jesus Name.

NB – we speak great wisdom to the and the Government in their handling of the situation in Hong Kong.

Suzanne Ferrett


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