
“I appeal to you, … that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there will be no divisions among you, but that you will be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

I Corinthians 1:10

We decree and declare that in this day Your people across this land will rise up into the fullness of who You have made them to be. We declare the Ecclesia will arise and the reformers will take their place in every arena of this land.

We declare we will take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us and move into the fullness of Your call upon our lives. We decree and declare a fresh alignment with Your Kingdom purposes of bringing salvation to individuals, Your love and peace into lives, and bringing transformation into our worlds.

Now in the Name of Jesus, we come into agreement with Your word, “seek first the Kingdom of God.” We declare Your people will rise above every division, hurt, preference, denominational difference and political opinion, releasing the voice of Jesus with fresh authenticity in our land, and increasing authority in the place of prayer.

Now, as the holiday season begins, we stand as Your Ecclesia, we declare God‘s plans are for good and not evil, and we release peace mercy and hope over any plan of the enemy to bring death or destruction, and we declare this nation will be a place of safety. We speak Your protection over communities, shopping centres, airports, and all places where people gather. We release Your divine knowledge, understanding, strength and peace to all members of our police and security forces.


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