“a trustworthy man keeps a secret.”
Proverbs 11: 13
According to Your word in Proverbs 14: 34, we declare righteousness exalts a nation, so we speak righteousness into every aspect of Government, national and local; we declare honesty and integrity, in word and action, will become the hallmarks of financial institutions, businesses and society.
Lord, in the light of Proverbs 6:2, “you are snared by the words of your mouth, you are taken by the words of Your mouth” In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare those who serve this nation will be characterised by their trustworthiness, and single-mindedness of purpose, that their words will build and not destroy, repair and not break down. Isaiah 58:12
We declare the unity of those appointed by You to lead this nation will silence any agenda of man or the enemy to distract, disturb or destroy. We speak healing to wounds and breaches of trust. We declare this nation will again be raised as a display of Your righteousness, in Jesus Name.