
“How blessed and favoured (fortunate, prosperous, and favoured by God) are the people whose God is the Lord”

Psalm 144:15

We stand today, and we declare over this nation, that blessing comes from Jesus Christ, and we choose to put our trust in You.

According to Your word in Psalm 65:11 “You crown the year with Your goodness and Your paths drip with abundance[1]”  Lord, even as You are leading Your people in new ways, we declare they will rightly discern Your paths at this time, releasing, connecting and positioning them to move into the fullness of Your goodness and purpose.

“You have given us… a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgment …” 2 Timothy 1:7 AMP,

We call Your people into the place of prayer, and we call Your people into the places of influence, that sound judgment, aligned with Your Spirit, will become a hallmark of leaders across this land, of churches, of communities, of workplaces, of local and national government and we decree this nation will be positioned in pathways of blessing for the days ahead.

[1] (ashes of sacrifice, fatness, oil)


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