“the people of Judah came together to seek help from the Lord, indeed they came from every town in Judah to seek Him” 2 Chronicles 20:3
We praise and thank You for the desire to pray You are giving to many within this nation. We thank You for every answer received and every miraculous turnaround experienced individually, locally and nationally in the past season. We speak refreshment to those who have grown weary.
Now, in this day of opportunity, we call Your people into Your Presence, to hear Your voice and to understand Your ways, that the power of prayer will be exercised and increased across this land spearheading a move of Your Spirit which will transform individuals, spheres and regions.
In this new season, we declare across Your church in the United Kingdom, the abundant life of Jesus will overwhelm and transform every place of weariness, dryness and dead religion. We prophesy an outpouring of the freshness of Your Spirit across this land.
We declare God’s gift and call will never be withdrawn, and we speak the revelation of Your grace, favour and blessing to reposition Your people at this time, that the past will not limit the future and Your people will reach forward to every God given opportunity which lies ahead. First Posted 15/ 07/2016
NB Thank you to everyone who has prayed with us through the summer season. Please remember to visit the website. Our itinerary, Passion on the Road, will be posted there soon and you can visit our book shop. We are also starting our online prayer again this week. Blessings Suzanne