
“Therefore, God exalted Jesus to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every Name” Philippians 2:9

We decree and declare the Name of Jesus will be exalted, the sovereign purpose for the UK fulfilled and the Kingdom of God in all its variety and fullness, increasingly established.

We thank You for our Godly heritage and declare it will be recovered, restored and connected to Your future purpose for this nation.

In the Name of Jesus, we decree, in this season, this nation will step into God given identity and we declare every vote, every negotiation, every committee and every informal discussion concerning Brexit and the future of this nation will align with those Kingdom purposes.

We declare this is the day for Your Kingdom to be manifest, not only in outcomes but in heart and process. In this season of the impossible becoming possible, we declare the Cabinet, Government and Opposition parties, will work shoulder to shoulder, as Kingdom vision rises above party allegiance and personal preference. We speak a shift in the Name of Jesus. Zephaniah 3:9



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