
for I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”  1 Corinthians 2:2

Lord, we praise You for every promise, every encouragement, and every prophetic word You have spoken concerning salvation of individuals, families, and communities in this season. We speak the release of the Spirit of Revival into this land, and we call forth encounters with Jesus from those of every race, colour, culture and age group.

We declare that God is Lord of both the Heavens and the Earth, He is righteous, just and merciful, nothing is impossible to Him, He is the Sovereign Living God, all life comes from Him; the Name of Jesus is Higher than any other Name, yet He came as a man, spoke Good News, healed the broken-hearted and set the captives free.

We decree as Your church opens its doors in unusual ways at this time of year, Your message of hope and salvation will go forth with boldness, clarity and creativity, and we call those who are spiritually open and hungry from every age group and community into places of Your Presence to hear your message of truth.

Now, in the Name of Jesus, we speak Your protection, peace and security over our cities, transport systems, shopping malls and every place where people gather. We release light into every dark place, that those who work, plan or plot against us shall not be hidden but discovered and we declare this nation will be a place of safety.


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