Church 4

‘eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him’  1 Corinthians 2: 9

We declare in this day, God is changing the Face of His Church across this land and we decree and declare a reset, that the mouths of God’s people will be open to speak the words He gives to us; that even as the Kingdom of God is activated by His word, so the creative, healing, saving power of the gospel will be released into our nation. We decree in this day, the sound of the voice of the Lord will resound across this land, echoing and reverberating, unsilenced by any agenda of the enemy.

We declare this is a season when He is calling His people into His Presence, that He is changing us in the hidden place to display His glory in the visible place. We decree as voids open up across our land– voids of hope, voids of well-being, voids of jobs and of finances – God’s people will be ready, healed in heart and activated by His Spirit, to be the agents of transformation He has prepared them to be. We speak positioning and release to them in the Name of Jesus.

We speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, prosperity against all lack in matters concerning finance and the economy, that in these days of shaking many will turn to Jesus.  We agree great wisdom will rest upon our Parliament, upon the Cabinet, the MP’s, Civil Servants and all Advisors, that every decision made will bring perfect alignment with God’s Kingdom purpose for this land.

 Suzanne Ferrett


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