
Hi everyone, it is hard to believe it is already August, and I want to thank all of you who have prayed with us. As usual in August, we will be sending one declaration a week, but please do continue to pray for our nation, even as you take time to relax, that God’s purposes will be fulfilled within this land. However, we will be posting some more videos onto YouTube, if you would like to know when these are released, please do subscribe to our channel.

 Today, I want to repeat one of the original declarations, from June 2016 – the significance of the foundations of this land cannot be ignored.  Be very blessed Suzanne


Heritage 3rd August 2020

“In AD 849 King Alfred the Great wrote: “There is only one way to build my Kingdom and that is on the sure and certain foundation of faith in Jesus Christ crucified.” Although never King of the whole of England, 20% of his law code came from the Bible, was re-established in the Magna Carta, and became the foundation of much of our law and legal system until recent years.

The first clause of that Magna Carta, signed by King John, states  “for us and our heirs in perpetuity, the church shall be free, and shall have its rights in full and its liberties intact”.

 “Lord, we have heard of Your fame, we stand in awe of Your deeds. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known.” Habakkuk 3:2

Jesus, You gave to Your church the Great Commission, so we decree and declare over this land, the freedom to the church to fulfil its God given call. That the freedom to preach the gospel, heal the sick, set the captives free and to bring in the Kingdom will remain and increase upon Your people.

We declare a God given inheritance in this nation, is that those freedoms will be set and protected by law. So, we speak reversal into every law and every precedent which restricts, hinders or prevents those freedoms and we call forth Your inheritance in Jesus Name.

We praise and thank you for those freedoms which based on Your word, and encompassed in our laws, impacted the world.

This is a day when You are connecting the past with the future, so we speak to the UK and we declare the Name of Jesus will be restored in this land.  (June 2016)

Suzanne Ferrett.


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