Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life”
John 11:25.
At the start of this Jewish New Year, we come into agreement with Your word in Ps 139:23-4 (Amp) ‘Search me (thoroughly), O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”.
We confess and repent of our mistakes, failures and sins. (take a moment to confess anything the Holy Spirit brings to mind)
We praise You Jesus, for the fullness of Your work of salvation in our lives through the cross and for Your triumph over every work of the enemy.
As we cross over into a new season, we thank You for the greatness of the plans and purposes You have for individuals to partner with You to bring awakening to this nation. We stand in our true identity as the children of God and we decree and declare the power of the resurrection life of Jesus will overcome every work of the enemy that has delayed, robbed or destroyed. In the Name of Jesus, we speak fresh life and hope to individuals, ministries, businesses and churches that You would raise up in this day.
We declare Your grace is sufficient, and we speak the release of finances, resources, strategies, and connections that every Kingdom plan and purpose will be fulfilled.