
October 3rd is the start of the new Legal year and a new Master of the Rolls, Sir Terence Etherton will be sworn in. (Head of Civil Justice and the second most senior judge in the land.) The year begins with a traditional service including prayers, hymns, psalms and anthems; the Lord Chancellor reads a lesson.

We continue to declare over our Justice system:

He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.
Deuteronomy 32:4

We thank you Lord for the call on the United Kingdom to display Your righteousness and justice. We praise you for our heritage of Godly justice, and we decree, this is the time for a reawakening of Kingdom values within our justice system.

We honour You as the Highest Authority in heaven and earth, and the true Judge. Lord we appeal to You on behalf of our land, over every law and the administration of laws in this nation, and we cry out for a new season of alignment with Your Principles of freedom of choice, freedom of conscience and the sanctity of human life.

We decree and declare divine turn arounds over all ungodly precedents set, that only those precedents in line with Your laws and statutes will remain.

We pray specifically for those seated in the high places of our justice system, in the Court of Appeal, and those taking new positions, and we call forth Your truth and Your precepts in their innermost being, that every judgement made, will align with Your purpose and destiny for our nation. We release strength, courage and resources to all those who would stand for kingdom principles at this time.

Fresh News: We are excited to announce that some of these declarations have now been published in book form for use in churches and groups. “Declarations to Change a Nation” contains 40 declarations arranged by topic and is available from our website. Cost £5 plus p&p


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