This is the year to see the promises of God begin to manifest, the year to see recovery and restoration. For me, I know God has been speaking about change for some time – so this will be the last “Shaping the Nation’ series for the United Kingdom in the foreseeable future. So read, declare (pray) and enjoy!
I will let you know more in a few weeks.
Blessings Suzanne
Declaration. Shaping the Nation – 2
History is made by the people of God, and as we move into this new season, we declare God’s people will walk in divine dominion, ruling over their emotions, thoughts and words. We declare in every circumstance – they will flourish, under every pressure – they will be courageous, and in every victory – they will honour God.
In the Name of Jesus, in this Kingdom season, God is birthing a people who will move, not by might not by power but by His Spirit – irrespective of age, irrespective of colour, irrespective of ethnicity. We declare as they reconnect with the covenantal call and promise given to Abraham ‘all the people’s of the earth will be blessed through them,’ and we thank Him for the Kingdom call upon this nation – to preach the gospel in the nations and to influence nations for righteousness and justice. We thank You Lord, that as nations shake, You are preparing a people, positioned and equipped to ‘rebuild the ancient ruins and raise up the age-old foundations.’ Isaiah 58:12
We declare, the gospel of Jesus will be spoken with clarity, relevance and the demonstration of the power of the Kingdom of God, that in this movement of God’s Spirit many will turn to Jesus, experiencing the power of His transforming love and releasing God given purpose. We agree as the five-fold ministry comes into place, these men and women will be skilled and equipped in the natural, fired by a passionate love for Jesus, filled with His wisdom – that they will rise as leaders within this nation and the nations. We decree and declare –as men and women encounter Jesus, new movements will be birthed, movements of righteousness, movements of justice and movements of mercy.
We declare God gives wisdom to those who ask, and we thank Him that as His people come before His throne, we will have eyes to see destiny, and understanding of how to move forward, building again with others. We declare, in this Kingdom season, across the nations, there will be a harvest of righteousness alongside a harvest of souls.
Suzanne ferrett
Passion for the Nation