Shaping a Nation 1

Shaping a Nation 1

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Nations

Many of God’s people have been fasting and praying for the first few weeks of 2023, Some, fasting for their own breakthroughs, others for the situations facing the nation. From time to time it’s important to remember the big picture, to remember the original purpose of these decrees and declarations –  to see God’s Kingdom call on the United Kingdom rise above any other purpose or agenda and to position the United Kingdom for God’s blessing in the years ahead.

Is that about revival – YES. Is it about raising a generation of Godly leaders who will take their places in the seats of influence in this land – YES. Is it about righteousness and justice? Is it about the miraculous? YES and YES and so much more. Therefore, we are going to begin a new series on “Shaping a Nation’. Wherever you live, these declarations are relevant, for the United Kingdom and for your own land.

Please pray for all those areas affected by the earthquake in Turkey and in Syria, that God’s mercy and wisdom will direct all rescue work, and many lives saved. Pray for aid to reach hospitals and those who have lost homes. That God will comfort those who have lost so much, and in the midst of tragedy, many will be saved.

Be blessed…Suzanne  



‘ His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail. Blessed and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord…’ Psalm 33: 11,12 TPT

We declare in this day, the sound of prayer will be heard across this nation, increasing and rising as a fresh anointing and a fresh mantle for prayer falls upon the United Kingdom – that even as history has so often been shaped by His intercessors, the future will again be shaped by the children of God. We thank Him for the well of prayer, birthed and established through Rees Howells and we thank Him for the battles that were turned as the people of this nation prayed. We thank Him for every intervention of revival and of reformation through the centuries, birthed through the people of God.

We declare a convergence of every long-standing revelation of the power of confession, of thanksgiving, of request and of supplication with the new revelations given by the Spirit for this season – that the power of prayer will be exercised and increased with kingly authority,  spearheading a move of God’s Spirit which will transform individuals, spheres and regions. We agree God’s people in this land will arise, going through the gates; preparing the way, removing the stones, lifting a banner for the people. (Isaiah 62)

Even as Hebrews 11:3 says;  “Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen”.  We declare in this day, God’s people will not pray from the visible alone, or from the place of human understanding, but from the revelation given from heaven.

We declare a new governmental authority has been released upon the Ecclesia. We decree that as the people of God, walking in agreement in heart, vision and purpose under the Lordship of Jesus, they will be ‘as one’ ( John 17) and empowered to steward every new thing that God is bringing forth.  We declare these are the days of God’s Kingdom government, order and administration being established in every region and sphere of the nations of the British Isles. (First Posted 02/22)

Suzanne Ferrett

Passion for the Nation


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