According to Your word the responsibility for the environment and all animal life has been given to man, and we decree and declare in the United Kingdom the earth’s resources will be stewarded and protected according to Your original purpose.

We call forth the wisdom, plans, partnerships, and funding required, and we decree and declare every commitment and change in the hearts of this nation will facilitate and align with Your will. We decree and declare, every adjustment and addition to current legislation will create a healthy and sustainable environment. We call forth Godly solutions into the financial sector to help bring climate change solutions, and we decree the wisdom of God will rule over every apparent conflict concerning the stewardship of finance and the stewardship of the earth.

Now we speak protection and peace over world leaders as they gather for the COP27

conference. We call the nations of the world to look beyond self-interest, that the wisdom of God will rest upon them, releasing innovative ideas, new research, and increased investment –that Kingdom solutions will overwhelm every other agenda, whether of people or of the enemy – in the Name of Jesus.

We declare Romans 8: 19 – 21 over the nations, ‘ Creation waits for the sons of God to be revealed………because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God’.

Suzanne Ferrett


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