Day 7 – Queens Speech

Day 7 – Queens Speech

by | Oct 14, 2019 | Miscellaneous

surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with Your favour as with a shield’ Psalm 5:12

Lord, we thank You for the life of our Queen, Elizabeth II, and we celebrate her wisdom, righteousness and her heart for You, for her people and for the grace and commitment with which she carries out her duties. We declare favour, respect, love, honour and safety will surround her throughout her life.

We declare a strengthening and prolonging of her reign, that she might stand in health, strength and righteousness until such a time as those to follow may do so with the fear of God upon them.

Now, as the Queens speech is delivered, we declare according to Daniel 2:20, that ‘Wisdom and power belong to God’ and we thank Him that His Sovereign counsel is available to all men, and we declare from Devolution to Mental Health, the laws and policies of this land will align with God’s wisdom,  counsel and purpose.

We thank Him for all those He has positioned within our Parliamentary System for this time, irrespective of party allegiance. We speak His strength, His wisdom and His mantle of authority upon them, that His voice will be heard, clearly sounding above and beyond every other voice. We stand in God’s grace and we declare a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of our leaders with His will, that His plans for this nation will be established.

Now as the debates take place this week, and negotiations over Brexit continue, we declare across the spectrum of political opinion in this land,  “He is the true Judge, Lawgiver and King,

In the Name of Jesus we call forth the very fabric, foundation, DNA and godly mandate of the United Kingdom, and we stand as the Ecclesia in this nation, and we decree and declare, the United Kingdom will rise up and lead the nations once more, releasing not a vision tainted by man’s desire for power, but the heart of the Kingdom, in purity and in love.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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