Day 9 – Timings 16th October 2019

Day 9 – Timings 16th October 2019

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Miscellaneous

there is an appointed time for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3:1
We declare God is preparing the way for His Kingdom to come in great measure in our land, we thank Him for the seasons of preparation and we thank Him for the seasons of opportunity.
From the young to the old, we decree and declare God given shifts and changes will take place, that His people will be freshly aligned, equipped and empowered for the season ahead and His Presence will rest upon them in great measure.
We praise Him for the promises He has given for revival and awakening, and we declare this is the season for a harvest of righteousness and for a harvest of souls.
Lord, we praise  and thank You for those of Your people You have been preparing and training to lead in this season. We praise You for the vision they will carry, for the Glory that will rest upon them and the doors which will open before them. In the Name of Jesus, we call them from the hidden places in to positions of influence in this land. We declare from social services to education, from the arts to government, this nation will have the leaders You have gifted, called and prepared for this time.  Proverbs 29:18
In the Name of Jesus, we declare across the political spectrum, those chosen and appointed by God for this season will stand strong and secure, as a new level of revelation and understanding comes upon them. We speak His strength, His wisdom and His mantle of authority upon them, in Jesus Name, Psalm 75:7
Now, we declare God is birthing a new season for the United Kingdom and we acknowledge Him as the Highest authority in Heaven and earth. We stand as the Ecclesia in this nation and we declare every election, debate, negotiation, vote, or amendment taking place in the United Kingdom, the European Union, the UK Parliament, devolved Governments and Member States’ Parliaments, will bring a convergence with God’s perfect will, purpose and timing, in Jesus Name.
Suzanne Ferrett


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