In this season of boundaries and borders Lord, we declare You are extending the borders of Your people – You are releasing new horizons, new territory and new strength to all those who will hunger and thirst for You. In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare in this nation, God’s people will move in accordance with the now word of God into their lives, taking hold, crossing over and transitioning as a new level sensitivity and obedience to His Spirit comes upon them. We declare His people will grasp the significance of the hour, the power of His love, His gospel, and His purpose within their lives, rising spiritually mature, equipped and empowered in heart, mind and Spirit.
Even as a General Election is spoken of and preparations made, we declare this nation will be led by gifted people on whom God’s favour rests; men and women of righteousness, God given wisdom and integrity. We decree the democratic process in this land, will be rightly and fairly administered and implemented, untainted by any form of manipulation, scandal, fraud or interference. That from the selection process to election day, the electoral process of the United Kingdom will be marked out by righteousness, honesty and integrity. We declare Kingdom values will overcome every strategy of the enemy to manipulate using pressure, intimidation or fear.
We thank You Lord for the Godly heritage that shaped our nation for generations, and we continue to declare, this nation will walk in the ways of “our fathers”, not turning to the right or to the left, but moving according to the purposes of God.
We specifically declare over the decision by the European Nations concerning the extension of Article 50, the date of our exit from the EU and of the next General Election will be according to the decrees of Heaven.
Suzanne Ferrett