‘Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven.’ Psalms 85:10
We decree and declare in this nation, natural Government and sovereignty, judicial and legislative, will acknowledge that you are the true Judge, Lawgiver and King. (Isaiah 33:22)
Even as You have called this nation to display Your righteousness, in the Name of Jesus, we speak righteousness into every aspect of this election. We decree and declare the plumb line of truth and righteousness will be released from heaven, specifically over all Party Political communication and media reporting, clearly separating between truth and lies, fact and fiction, integrity and exaggeration and between Kingdom values and worldly values.
We come into agreement with Your word in Proverbs 8:8 ‘All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them.’ In the Name of Jesus, we declare shift and change, that throughout this election season, the expectation upon all media – print, broadcast and social media will produce honest, honourable, responsible, reliable, principled, ethical, mature and truthful (trustworthy) reporting. We declare that righteousness and integrity will be the hallmarks of every aspect of the political process in this nation.
We come into agreement with Your Word in Isaiah 28: 17-18, ‘I will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plumb line, hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie…’ (Isaiah 28:17-18).