Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 11

Declarations to Shape a Nation – Day 11

by | Apr 11, 2019 | Miscellaneous

We thank You for the mantle of prayer resting upon this nation at this time, for the individuals, groups and movements You are raising up, for the diversity of how people pray and the different anointings, callings and strategies being released at this time, orchestrated by Your Spirit.  Even as Your word states ‘if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven,’ we declare as the Headship of Jesus is established over Your people, a new ‘oneness’ in prayer will be released, uniting those of different generations, culture groups and streams. We praise You for the work of Your Spirit and for the depth and width of Your purposes at this time. We declare as Your people pray, Your Kingdom will be released in great measure, changing hearts, touching lives and transforming communities.

We decree and declare the Name of Jesus will be lifted over the villages, towns and cities in this nation, that the awakening breath of Jesus will blow in us and through us – until this nation is fully His. We decree and declare God’s people in this land will arise, going through the gates; preparing the way, removing the stones, lifting a banner for the people.  We speak to this nation in the Name of Jesus and we declare “surely your salvation is coming.”

Now, as Parliament meets today, we decree and declare the outworking of every emotion, frustration and weariness, will serve and facilitate His purposes today. We declare the Kingdom of God will be established over every other rule and dominion, of power, of greed and of the thoughts of man, that the new season God has planned for this nation will be delivered in full, in order and on time.

We declare the power of God appointed leadership to bring about Kingdom purpose. We declare this nation will be led throughout this Brexit season, by those appointed by Him for this task, those carrying God given vision, supported and surrounded by the prayers of His people and aided by the Hosts of Heaven.

As the European Leaders meet tonight, we come into agreement with Psalm 29, and we declare “Your Voice shakes the wilderness …and causes the deer to give birth, it strips the forest bare”. We declare God’s Voice will arise, silencing every other voice. We decree and declare the outworking of every emotion, frustration and weariness will serve and facilitate His purposes this day.


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