Economy 3

‘Long live this King. …May the fame of His name spring forth. May it shine on, like the sunshine! in Him all will be blessed to bless others.’  Psalm 72: 15, 17.

We decree and declare God is setting up His Kingdom rule upon the earth as it is in Heaven, that as God’s people pray and seek His face, the ideas, blueprints and strategies for the economy of our nation, from microbusinesses to the Bank of England will be released to all those ready and prepared to receive them.

We thank Him for the times He has intervened in our nation in the past; we specifically thank Him for men who walked the land in past seasons, crying out to Him for solutions to their worlds.  For men like Arthur Guinness, John Cadbury and many others, who pressed into God and received solutions, walking in courage and righteousness, and pioneered and transformed as God’s Spirit led.

We declare God is releasing a new movement of Kingdom entrepreneurs for whom personal gain will be replaced by Kingdom attitudes and Kingdom goals.  We decree and declare they will give and not take, share and not withhold, release and not hoard, walking in righteousness, directed and led by the wisdom of the Spirit of God.

Now Lord, we repent where there has been a separation of the sacred and the secular amongst His people, where His  people in the marketplace have felt irrelevant or insignificant within His  Body, and now we decree a re-set, that the prayers of God’s people will both support and surround them.

Now, we speak into our regions and cities, into our shopping centres and business parks, and we declare jobs will be created, businesses will recover and prosper, and entrepreneurs will be released.  We call forth vision, skill, and investment in Jesus Name.

We speak the revelation of Jesus Christ across the nations, that in the midst of difficulty and pain, many will turn to Him.  (First Posted 17th August 2020)

Suzanne Ferrett.


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