
2 Chronicles 1:12 ‘because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honour or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked for long life – but have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I made you king…’

We declare God is setting up His Kingdom rule upon the earth as it is in Heaven, that as God’s people pray and seek His face, the ideas, blueprints and strategies  for the economy of our nation, from microbusinesses to the Bank of England will be released to all those ready and prepared to receive them.

We thank Him for the times He has intervened in our nation in the past; we specifically thank Him for men who walked the land in past seasons, crying out to Him for solutions to their worlds. For men like Arthur Guinness, John Cadbury and many others, who pressed into God and received solutions,  walking in courage and righteousness, and pioneered and transformed as God’s Spirit led.

We confess and repent where failure, withholding, wrong priorities and a poor understanding of God’s truth, have brought His people into financial and spiritual lack. We repent of past greed and the idolatry of wealth. Now Lord, we repent where there has been a separation of the sacred and the secular amongst Your people, where Your people in the marketplace have felt irrelevant or insignificant within Your Body, and now we decree a re-set, that the prayers of God’s people will both support and surround them.  We declare new networks and relationships across His business people in this nation will be formed, networks that have the capacity to bring in the fullness of the wisdom, wealth and Kingdom Transformation He is opening before us.

We ask Lord, as this season for businessmen and entrepreneurs opens, Your blessing will rest upon all those You have called to the marketplace at this time, that strategies, opportunities and finances will flow freely and righteously to them and through them.  Lord, we say this is the day when You are uncovering  Godly foundations and reconnecting them for the future, so in the Name of Jesus we speak life into every God given business blueprint, strategy or dream.

Now, we decree and declare over all trade agreements being negotiated at this time, stumbling blocks will be removed and  national and international trade agreements will be set according to God’s Kingdom  purpose and plan.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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