
“in everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech…” Titus 2:7

In this day of the impossible becoming possible, we decree and declare in this nation God’s Word, His Truth and His Wisdom will be heard in every place of higher education, changing atmospheres, mindsets, hearts and lifestyles.

God’s word is the cornerstone of education, so as Light shines in the darkness, we decree and declare it’s goodness, truth and relevance will be recognised and desired, overwhelming every strategy of the enemy to remove it. We decree a re-set, in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, You desire that the students in this nation will be taught by men and women who are gifted and skilled, able to impart knowledge, and on whom Your favour rests, full of Godly wisdom, creativity and understanding. We declare You are raising a generation who know their true identity in You, who carry Your heart, Your life and Kingdom values. In the Name of Jesus, we declare deans, chancellors and vice chancellors, professors and heads of department, lecturers and personnel staff will align with Your purpose for this generation

We declare universities and colleges will return to their Christian roots, teaching and  training young people, that the fullness of the ability, gift and call God has put within them will be drawn out and released, irrespective of social or ethnic background; that on our campuses and in the residences, the calling to be places of exploration and learning will be discovered, and the ability to think widely enjoyed, unhindered by political ideologies and personal agendas.

We declare Christian young people will hold tightly to the truth of Jesus Christ whilst honouring and respecting different beliefs, and we speak strength to them, to stand firm in the midst of ungodliness.  We declare those in quarantine will rise above the frustrations to seek You, that this season will be fruitful as they press into their destiny. We call forth the reformers, the Josephs and the Daniels, who will use their days in confinement to prepare for the future. We speak courage to the Esther’s to make ready, spending time beautifying themselves in the presence of the King.

We decree the entitlement mindset of the present age will drop away as our young people surrender themselves in true humility to Almighty God.

Suzanne Ferrett


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