
We speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, prosperity against lack in all matters  concerning finance and the economy, and that in these days of shaking, many will turn to Jesus. We agree great wisdom will rest upon our Governments and  upon our leaders  that every decision made will bring perfect alignment with God’s Kingdom purpose  for these lands.

Now, even as King Alfred the Great wrote: “There is only one way to build my Kingdom and that is on the sure and certain foundation of faith in Jesus Christ crucified.,” we praise You for the words spoken and the commitment made by those arriving on the Mayflower, in what became the United States of America: ‘We do hereby dedicate this land and ourselves to reach the people within these shores, with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to raise up Godly  generations, taking the Kingdom of God to all the earth’.

We thank You Lord for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and of His Kingdom, and for the ancient documents which formed and shaped these two nations for generations, and  we decree and declare that Godly heritage is being recovered, re-formed and connected to Your purposes.

We come into agreement with our spiritual family in the United States of America, we declare this is the time for a turning of every ungodly law and precedent set, for Revival to be released, lives healed and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness. Specifically, we declare America will be led by men and women of Your choosing, that from the Office of President and the members of Congress, to the vacancy in the American Supreme Court, we decree this is the day for those You have anointed to bring righteousness and justice to arise, and we declare they will be positioned, recognised and appointed, in the Name of Jesus.

EU Leaders Summit: As the final foundations are laid for the next season in the life of the United Kingdom, we stand as Your Ecclesia in this nation, irrespective of personal choice, and we decree they  will be shaped and formed according to God’s design. We speak into these late Brexit negotiations, specifically over fishing and other stumbling blocks, and we declare shift where they need to shift, change where they need to change and align where there needs to be Kingdom alignment, in Jesus Name.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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