“in everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech…” Titus 2:7
In this day of the impossible becoming possible, we decree and declare in this nation God’s Word, His Truth and His Wisdom will be heard in every place of education, changing atmospheres, mindsets, hearts and lifestyles, that the education system in this nation will be fit for Kingdom purpose, aligned and shaped by the foundations of God’s truth. God’s word is the cornerstone of education, so as Light shines in the darkness, we decree and declare it’s goodness, truth and relevance will be recognised and desired, overwhelming every strategy of the enemy to remove it.
Lord You desire that children and students in this nation will be taught by men and women who are gifted and skilled, able to impart knowledge, and on whom Your favour rests, full of Godly wisdom, creativity and understanding. So we speak Your positioning over every shift and move of staff taking place at this time.
We declare You are raising a generation who know their true identity in You, who carry Your heart, Your life and Kingdom values, therefore we agree, according to Your word in Psalm 139: 13-16, schools and colleges will teach, train & equip children and young people that the ability, gift and call You have put within them will be drawn out and released, irrespective of social or ethnic background.
In the Name of Jesus, we speak Your wisdom upon all those currently making decisions concerning the education of the children in our land; that from Ministers to Headteachers, Deans to Lecturers, every decision made will enable young people to walk into the destinies upon their lives. We cry out for help for those especially disadvantaged by Lockdowns.
Now Lord, we continue to declare across the educational spectrum, and irrespective of family background and experience, the destinies of the young people in this nation will not be hindered by the circumstances of the last season, but released – and in the Name of Jesus, we bless them socially, we bless them psychologically, we bless them emotionally and we bless them educationally.
We decree and declare lessons, plans and curriculum will come into Kingdom alignment for the new season.
Suzanne Ferrett.