
I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth’  Genesis 9: 13

Even as today is the anniversary of the birth of the NHS,  over the thanksgiving, the hope and the life being celebrated, we thank God for His rainbow, formed of 7 colours – elements of Light, a symbol of His  covenant with mankind- that never again would all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood. And we decree the God given message of the rainbow, as a sign of His covenant of mercy and of His light, will be re-established and re-affirmed in this land.

We thank Him for every covenant made between God and Man, and we come into agreement with His word in Hebrews 8:6,  ‘Jesus is the Mediator of a better covenant.’  We declare in this day, God is raising a people who will overcome, a people who understand the power of His blood, the power of their testimony and the power of a surrendered life. We thank Him for the fire, the momentum and the life which are springing forth.

Now Lord, we stand as the Ecclesia in this nation, and we decree the power of God’s Kingdom, the establishment of His righteousness and His justice over the Amendment to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill before Parliament today concerning abortion. We decree and declare a turning that the laws of this land will come into alignment with His Laws & His Statutes, and the fullness of the counsel of His Word.

In the Name of Jesus, we declare this nation will be positioned for blessing in the days ahead, and we agree all matters pertaining to the law and administration of our land, will align and enforce Kingdom values, including the principle of the sanctity of human life.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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