“watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod” Mark 8: 14
Lord, even as this is a new day, we thank You for the power of revelation, anointing and of Your grace in our lives.
We declare Your people in this nation will be teachable in heart, quick to learn, and ruthless as regard to sin, that Your Ekkesia will arise in this land, carrying Your glory, ruling and reigning as You desire. Proverbs 16:32
We repent of past divisions, prejudices and the desire for the worlds approval. Lord we declare You desire Your people stand in unity. We decree those of every gift and sphere of influence, stream and denomination, five-fold minister and established leader will come together in a fresh way.
We decree we will represent a new level of authenticity in the natural realm and exercise a new level of authority in the spiritual realm.
Now in the Name of Jesus, we speak Your protection over our nation, protection over our streets, communities and every place where people gather. (see Declaration 03/04/17)
We declare Your Voice is powerful and full of majesty, and we decree and declare Your Voice will emerge, sounding a distinct call, silencing every other voice and every other agenda, that in this next season of Parliament, those and only those appointed by You will lead this nation, united behind Your Kingdom purposes.