We speak Your healing, comfort and strength to all those affected by the attack on Saturday in London. We pray for Theresa May at this time, that as Prime Minster and with the impending election, Your revelation wisdom and strength would be upon her.
Now Lord, we come into agreement with Your word in Matthew 17: 20 “you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you”. (Also: Zechariah 4:7)
We declare Your desire that this nation will display Your Kingdom and Your Kingship, moving in agreement with both Your spirit and Your statutes.
We speak Your clarity into the atmosphere of confusion over this election, over the hindrances, diversions and weariness and we declare “the purposes of God will be fulfilled.”
We speak a shift in the Name of Jesus, that the fullness of Your plans will be released.
We declare over this election:
- Righteousness and Godly order will be established in our government and nation.
- the right people will be positioned from Prime Minister and Government ministers to every constituency MP.
- a union of the government of God’s Kingdom with the government of the United Kingdom will be established.
- Vision, supernatural revelation and strategies from God will be released to those leading us in to and beyond the Brexit negotiations.
- The reformers, the Josephs, Daniels and Esthers will be positioned in governmental spheres to bring about change and transformation.
- We speak the release of the revelation of Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords into our government and land, in the Name of Jesus.
NB Firstly, please pray over your own constituency and Polling Stations, releasing peace and the Presence of God into the atmosphere.
Secondly, consider joining us online at 7.30am Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Email info@pftn.uk for more information.