Family 3

‘when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also’. 2 Timothy 1:5

We decree in this nation, the sound of the worship of Jesus will be heard across this land as individuals, families and groups, worship together from heart and desire, changing atmospheres across cities, towns and regions.

We declare families will again worship together, they will have a fresh desire to worship and pray within their homes, that husbands will pray together with their wives; fathers, mothers and grandparents with their children, that in this atmosphere of prayer and worship – fresh joy and fresh strength will be released.

We declare as God’s people rediscover the power of generational anointings, God will ‘have compassion on them and bring them back, everyone to his heritage and everyone to his land’. Jeremiah 12:17
We declare the openness in the atmosphere will cause His people to move with confidence in the truth of the Gospel, arising in faith to “volunteer in the day of His power”, that there will be an expectation and experience of testimonies of friends, family members and strangers coming to Jesus.

Now, we agree this nation will live by the Truth and in the light of the Truth, and in the Name of Jesus, that the power of the gospel and the revelation of Jesus Christ, and the blueprints for society in His word, will again become the building blocks upon which society leans.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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