Family 4

We come into agreement with God’s word in Malachi 4:6, ‘He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers’  and we decree a turning in Jesus Name.

Lord, in our nation we declare there will be a fresh discovery of the goodness, peace and love which flows from the wisdom of Your word.  We decree and declare that fathers and mothers will re-discover their role as it is written, and that families will be whole, as both men and women take their God given place, functioning with the heart and values of the Father.

Even as Ephesians 6: 3,4  TPT states: ‘Father’s don’t exasperate your children but raise them up with loving discipline and counsel that brings the revelation of our Lord’

We declare fathers in this nation will re-discover the power of strong love, the kindness of Godly discipline and the blessing of patient encouragement, raising a generation of children who will take their places, fully equipped for life.

We speak healing into the hearts of fathers where regret and failure has caused guilt to come upon them, and we call forth support structures and Godly family mentors in Jesus’ name.

We declare children across this nation will experience the Godly discipline of the fathers balanced with the nurture of the mothers – that as God’s people cry out to You – You will provide for every void.

We release special grace upon the single parents of today.

We decree and declare authority based upon love and respect will be re-established within homes across this land.

Now, concerning the COP26 Conference,  in the Name of Jesus, we continue to declare God’s wisdom and revelation will rule over every decision, commitment, agreement, policy or charter made. Even as  God is re-aligning nations, we stand as the Ecclesia and we decree any commitment to partnership given, formal or informal, personal or governmental which connects the United Kingdom to other nations, spiritually or governmentally, will only be according to the Blueprints of Heaven.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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